Official Sworn Translator Córdoba

Sworn Translations in 24 and 48 hours at competitive prices.

There are no intermediaries, so the rates are very competitive, maintaining the highest quality.

If you need a Sworn Translation, contact me without commitment by email at

You will receive the Sworn Translation by post quickly and easily, that is, the original document with the corresponding signature and with the stamp of Sworn Translator on each page.

  • Fast: you can receive the Sworn Translation in 48h
  • Economic: without intermediaries and with free shipping
  • Safe: guarantee of satisfaction. Each translation is managed in detail



    Seleccione la casilla para aceptar las siguientes Política de privacidad

    Por favor demuestra que eres humano, selecciona el árbol.

    official sworn translator spanish

    Get your translations with the Official Stamp, 100% valid in Spain and abroad.

    A Sworn Translation can only be done by a Sworn Translator appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAEC). Be sure to order the translation to an Official Translator, or the translation will not be valid.

    The Sworn Translation is valid for Ministries, Institutes, Courts, Town Halls, Embassies, etc.

    • The translation must include a statement from the Sworn Translator certifying that it is a true and complete translation, with the date, signature and stamp of the Sworn Translator.
    • In addition, a copy of the original must be attached, which must be dated and stamped on all its pages.

    These are the most common translations:

    • University Degree
    • Academic certification
    • Academic records
    • Recommendation letters
    • Death certificate
    • Certificate of disability
    • Certificate of registration
    • Marriage certificate
    • Medical certificate
    • Birth certificate
    • ID
    • Family Book
    • Bills
    • Criminal records
    • Clinic history
    • Driving license

    All these translations are valid before the authorities and official organisms and they contain the stamp and signature of the Sworn Translator.

    * We offer special prices for Sworn Translation of documents such as official degrees and diplomas